The principle here is really great. Apply this to your guided meditations to create a greater benefit!

Read more from: 2 Pieces of Guidance a Blind Man Taught Me About Achieving Your Dreams

When creating a GOAL follow the below steps:

Step 1 – Present Tense

Write out the vision as if you have already achieved it. Start the sentence in the present tense…. I am

Step 2 – Precision

Describe it in as much detail using the 5 senses
How to you want feel? What things do you want to see in your picture? What sounds, the sounds of the ocean or the sounds or people applauding your work?

–      Taste
–      Touch
–      Smell
–      Sounds
–      Sight

Include a date and time when you wish to achieve the goal.

Step 3 – Write out the reasons why you want to achieve the goal

Again write them in the present tense:
I am doing this because I want to make a difference to the world
I am doing this to fulfill my ambitions

Step 4 – Passion Index

Score how excited you are by the vision on a scale of 1-10
The passion index means on a scale of 1-10 how excited are you about the vision you have selected: A score of 1 means you and bored, depressed and you hate what you are doing compared to a score of 10, which means you are in complete bliss and love what you are doing. Circle the number below which best suits your vision of where you want to be:


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10