Directions: These audios are meant to be used with a headset while in a relaxed position in an undisturbed environment. Never use these audios while driving, operating machinery or needing the use of your eyes in any way.

How to listen: Let go of expectations and or judgements. Begin with an open mind and a desire to focus your awareness only on the audio, the words and the music. Let go of outside distractions should they happen and return your focus to the audio.  You can listen to these audios sitting or lying down. It is more important that you are comfortable so that you can relax.

Do not worry about any thoughts that pass into the mind, simply return your focus to the audio and allow the thoughts to fall into the background. This is a natural occurrence, where the mind wanders at times; you will likely discover that the mind wanders less and less after using guided meditations regularly.

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These audios are meant to be used with a headset while in a relaxed position in an undisturbed environment. Never use these audios while driving, operating machinery or needing the use of your eyes in any way.
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Grab the steering wheel and DRIVE your life in the direction you wish to take.

There actually is a science to changing the minds

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